Social media marketing is the perfect way to connect with your audience and to interact with your followers – both on a one-to-one and a global scale. Whether you’re keen to build customer loyalty, increase engagement, grow your mailing list or drive sales – our years of social media management experience make us the perfect people to help you achieve your goals.
Why do Brands Need to Invest in Social Media Marketing?
Social media is steadily becoming one of the most important modern marketing tools available to brands today. The platforms provide access to over 3 billion consumers who are currently active on social media, with this online population only set to grow. Whether your brand is striving towards boosting sales, enhancing your brand identity or fostering positive, lasting customer relationships. A targeted, creative social media marketing strategy can enable your brand to connect to today’s audiences in the way they want to be connected with.
Our Social Media Team has nurtured years of experience in online market segmentation, omnichannel content creation and online community management. They produce engaging, exciting content for each of our clients tailored to their audiences and what they want to see on their newsfeeds. We understand that social media is not about spam and constant exposure. It’s about sharing deliberate, meaningful content which educates and entertains your brand’s target market.
What’s more, social media marketing isn’t restricted to just one platform. Part of an effective social media strategy is to spread the word on multiple platforms. This allows greater exposure, reach and engagement on content as your brand’s message is promoted across various touchpoints. Brands must interact with their customers wherever they are, and today that’s across roughly 5 different social media platforms for the average consumer.
To succeed in the social media sphere your brand’s content has to be congruent. Consumers need to be able to move between all of your brand’s platforms and recognise the tone of voice, content and branding immediately. Ensuring that consumers know exactly what your brand stands for and what it is offering them. This allows your brand to establish a strong identity which can retain consumer attention. Allowing your brand to stand out amongst the 81% of small and medium businesses which are active now on social media.
Social Content Creation – ‘Stand Out in noisy newsfeeds’
Where social media is concerned, the way that your content looks is hugely important. Social media platforms are driven by visuals with platforms like Instagram and Facebook demanding high quality visual content. Online audiences want variety between branded content which has a specific message to communicate and in-the-moment, relaxed brand community content. They want to see people, products and personality coming through in the form of graphics and photography. It is these images which catch their eye as they rapidly scroll through their newsfeed which is the ultimate goal of any social media marketer.
We are all about collaboration and this doesn’t change when it comes to our Social Media Marketing service. Our Social Media Team collaborates heavily with our talented design team to create stand-out content which demands attention. These visuals help to capture your audience and establish professional, quality brand perceptions. Pair this with some skilled copywriting and a knack for strategic scheduling and we can be generating content which will serve your brand well for years to come.
Social Media Community Management – ‘Offer excellent customer service’
A huge element of effective Social Media Marketing is interaction with customers. Audiences want – quite literally – instantaneous responsivity from brands online. With 78% of social media users reporting that they expect a complaint to a brand on Twitter to be dealt with within one hour. Providing just a small insight into the importance of response time on social media. So whilst embracing social media platforms, brands must embrace the responsibility of being genuinely active on each of them.
By responding to customers promptly your brand demonstrates that they value the opinions of their customers. Responding to online comments, direct messages and general conversation introduces a personal touch to the brand. It humanises your business and allows customers to form a bond with your brand. Promoting your business as a customer-centric, professional and approachable organisation.
The Community Management service which we provide means that we monitor, respond to and generally maintain interactions with your brand’s social media pages. Whether that’s observing published posts for audience response, answering enquiries or resolving any complaints which arise. Generally ensuring that when any new customers head over to your brand’s page they see a welcoming, open brand community which they want to be a part of.
Paid Advertising – ‘Get the right message and visual to the right people at the right time’
Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, are forever altering their service and changing their algorithms which determine what content is seen and by who. This means that it’s becoming increasingly important for brands to invest in targeted advertising to ensure that their content is visible to their target audience. Making sure that it is not being lost in newsfeeds with so many other brands competing for consumers’ attention.
Our Social Media Team are well versed in designing, segmenting and producing effective Facebook Ads. This is arguably the most specialised element of Social Media Marketing and our team are your experts in the field. We customised Ads to your brand’s audience and encourage consumers to react to a Call to Action and ultimately boost the achievement of your brand in their marketing objectives.